Contact information:

Prof. Helge Holden

Department of Mathematical Sciences

NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology

NO-7491 Trondheim


Visiting address: Alfred Getz' vei 1 (Office 1156 in Sentralbygg 2) 

Email: helge.holden[at]

Mobile phone: +47-92038625

Skype name: helgeholden

NTNU website:

Curriculum Vitae      List of publications 

Various sources for my publications in English: 

 MathSciNet [requires subscription],  Zentralblatt (zbMATH),  Google ScholarResearchGatearXivORCID, Publons, Scopus, Cristin [the Norwegian national depository],

(Specific publications can be sent on request)

I was the Principal Investigator of the research project ("Toppforsk") Waves and Nonlinear Phenomena (WaNP), which ended in Oct 2022.  

I am Board Member of the Store norske leksikon (The Norwegian Encyclopedia)

I am Chair of the IMU Nominating Committee, and emails related to that should be sent to <>.

The Abel Prize

I am the Chair of the Abel Prize Committee for the period 7/2022–6/2026. According to the Statutes, "The main objective of the Abel Prize is to recognize pioneering scientific achievements in mathematics."  The Abel Prize is 7.5 mill NOK, and is awarded annually, starting in 2003. The Prize is named after the Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel (1802–1829). The Prize is awarded by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters  and funded by the Norwegian Goverment.   The Abel Prize award ceremony is in Oslo in May every year.   For further information about the Abel Prize, please see the official web site.  The next Abel Prize award ceremony is 20 May 2025. The winner of the 2025 Abel Prize will be announced on 19 March 2025. The event will be streamed here.

For further information on the previous recipients, please see the books that I have edited with Ragni Piene:

   The Abel Prize 2003–2007. The First Five Years  (Springer 2010)

  The Abel Prize 2008–2012  (Springer 2014)

  The Abel Prize 2013–2017  (Springer 2019).

  The Abel Prize 2018–2022 (Springer 2024) 

  See also the Abel Prize web site.

I was the Secretary General of the IMU (1/2015–12/2022). The IMU has around 90 countries worldwide as members, and its permanent Secretariat is in Berlin at Hausvogteiplatz 11A, 10117 Berlin. The quadrennial International Congresses of Mathematicians (ICMs) are organized under the auspieces of the IMU.